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Journal of Indonesian Islam (Terakreditasi)
Vol. 01, No. 01, June 2007;
Vol. 01, No. 02, Des 2007;
Vol. 02, No. 01, June 2008;
Vol. 02, No. 02, Des 2008;
Vol. 03, No. 01, Jun 2009;
Vol. 03, N0. 02, Des. 2009;
VOL. 04, No. 01, June 2010;
Vol. 04, No. 02, Des 2010;
VOL. 05, No. 01, JUNE 2011
Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2011
Vol. 06, No. 01, June 2012
Vol. 06, No. 01, DESEMBER 2012
VOL. 07, NO. 02, JUNI 2013
VOL. 07, NO. 02, DESEMBER 2013
VOL. 08, NO. 01, JUN1 2014
- Volume 08, No. 02, December 2014
- Volume 09, No. 01, June 2015
- Volume 09, No; 02, December 2015
- Volume 10, No. 01, June 2016
- Volume 10, No. 02, December 2016
- Volume 11, No. 01, Juni 2017
- Volume 11, No. 02, Desember 2017
Vol.1 No.2 Des 2007
-Islam,islamism,the nation,and the early indonesian nationalist movement: RE Elson
-The upsurge of memeory in the case of haul: a problem of islamic historiography in indonesia: Ismail F.Alatas
-Is education determinant?the formation of liberal and anti-liberal islamic legal thinking in indonesia: Akh.Muzakki
-Secularization in the mind of muslim reformists:a case study of nurcholish madjid and fouad zakaria: Mun'im Sirry
-Indonesian muslims in the public sphere: a review of several studies: Mujiburrahman
-Confrontation and reconciliation: muslim voices of maluku conflict(1999-2002): Muhamad Ali
-Al-Wasatiyah iza'a al-radikaliyah fi al-islam:al-suluk al-siyasi li ta'lifah radikaliyah min al-muslimin fi ahd hukumat ra'is al-jumhuriyah al-indunisiyah abdurrahman wahid: Thoha Hamim
-Ittijah5t jadidah fi majal ta'lim al-laughah al-arabiyah fi indunisiyah: Nasaruddin Idris Jauhar
-Exercizung ijtihad:fatwa and ifta in indonesia today: Achmad Kemal Riza
Vol.2 No.1 Juni 2008
-The traditions of pluralism,accommodation,and anti radicalism in the pesantren community: Ronald Lukens-bull
-The School of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama'ah and the attachment of indonesian muslims to its doctrines: Fauzan Saleh
-Muslim intellectuals in the twentieth century indonesia: a socio-political and educational context: Khoirun Niam
-The emergence of new santri in indonesia: Yon Machmudi
-Discourses on democraty within debates on state-islam relations in indonesia: Arskal Salim
-Islamic reform movement in indonesia and beyond:progress and regress: Luthfi Assyaukanie
-Calling for an "islamic protestantism" in indonesia and beyond:towards democratic and pluralistic islam: Sumanto Al Qurtuby
-Izdiwajiyat amrika tijah al-ialam wa al-ihrab fi daw tahlil al-kitab: Nur Syam
-Hizb all-mifdal al-sahyuni al-dini wa mawqifuhu min amaliyat al-salam al-isra'ili al-filistini:1990-2000: Ibnu Burdah
-Live in destiny or die as martyr:the venture of front pembela islam (FPI)in contemporary indonesia: M.Ridlwan Nasir
Vol.2 No.2 desember 2008
-Sufism on the silver screen: indonesian innovation in islamic televangelism: Julia Howell
-Jihad for whom? the radicalization of religion as a response to political oppression:from turkish to indonesian islam: Olaf Schumann
-The genealogy of muslim radicalism in indonesia: a study of the roots and characteristics of the padri movement: Abd A'la
-The identity of shi'a sympathizer in contemporary indonesia: Hilman Latief
-The rise of islamic religious-political movements in indonesia: the background,present situation and future: Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi
-English in indonesian islamic higher education: examining the relationship between performance in the yes/no test and readingskills: Sahiruddin
-Lughat al-qur'an fi daw falsafat al-ilm: Dirasah tahliliyah wa 'alaqatiha bi al-dirasah al-islamiyah bi indunisiya: Husein Aziz
-Ma'alim al-fikr al-islami qabl zuhur al-ittijah al-salafi bi indunisiya: Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi
-Advocating gender awareness amongst indonesia muslim women: Nabiela Naily
Vol.3 No.1 juni 2009
-Islamic and religious studies: challenges and opportunities for twenty-first century indonesia: Mark Woodward
-Militant and liberal islam: the unwanted twin children of modernization an indonesia experience: Achmad Munjid
-The formalisation of islamic attire in padang, west sumatra: Deny Hamdani
-The pesantren-based ruling elite in sumenep in the post new order indonesia: Abdul Gaffar Karim
-The majlis Dhikr of indonesia: exposition of some aspects of ritual practices: Arif Zamhari
-Friday prayer and an indonesian islamic identity in canberra,australia: Syamsul Rijal
-Inonesian muslim women and the gender equality movement: Alimatul Qibtiyah
-Al-islam al-sha'bi: dirasah an ma;na iqamat sha'a'ir dawrat al-hayah wa ziyarat maqbir al-awliya inda jama'at jam'iyat nahdat al-ulama fi mantiqat waru jawa al-sharqiyah indunisiya: Hammis syafaq
-Usturat majlabat al-thara fi manzur taqalid al-hayah al-diniyah laday ta'ifah min al-muslimin al-muwalin li al-taqalid al-jawiyah: Roibin
-Suffering from political exhaustion: the dynamics of nahdlatul ulama(NU) in indonesia political arena: Ahmad Mansur
Vol.4 No.1 juni 2010
-Madrasa by any other name: Pondok,pesantren and islamic schools in indonesia and larger southeast asian region: Ronald Lukens-Bull
-"teen islam": the rise of teenagers-segmented islamic transmission through popular media in indonesia: Akh.Muzakki
-Filming ayat-ayat cinta: the making of a muslim public sphere in indonesia: Ahmad Nuril Huda
-The Quest of indonesian muslim identity: debates on veiling from the 1920s to 1940s: Ali Tantowi
-In the name of democracy: commoditization of religions by political parties in indonesia: Purwo Santoso
-Religion and local politics: Exploring the study on subcultures and the political participation of east java NU elites in the post-new order era: Abdul Chalik
-Tarjamat al-shyakh nawawi al-bantani wa tafsirih: Muhammad Thohir 'Aruf
-Democracy in teh eyes of islamists: an ideological contest in post-new order indonesia's socio-politics: Ahmad Fathan Aniq
Vol.1 No.1 juni 2007
-Muslim politics and democracy: The case of indonesia: Olle Tornquist
-A real threat from within: Muhammadiyah's identity metamorphosis and the dilemma of democracy in contemporary indonesia: Suaidi Asyari
-Muslims' approaches to democracy: islam and democracy in contemporary indonesia: Masdar Hilmy
-Can the muslim world borrow from indonesian constitusional reform?: a comparative constitusional approach: Nadirsyah Hosen
-Issues of compatibility of human rights and islam: the experience of egypt and indonesia: Sus Eko Ernada
-The application of islamic law in indonesia: the case study of aceh: Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-ahmad
-Jadaliyyah al-anna wa al-akhar fi al-khitab al-dini al-indunisi: Abdul Kadir Riyadi
-Lajnah Batht al-masa'il al-diniyyah li jam'iyyah nahdah al-ulama bi indunisiya: dirasah naqdiyyah ala al-muqarrarat al-fiqhiyyah: Ahmad Zahro Hasani
-A fertile soil?: indonesia and islamic fundamentalism: Abdul Gaffar Karim
vol.3 No.2 desember 2009
-Where history meets pilgrimage: teh graves of sheikh yusuf al-maqassari and prince dipanagara in madura: George Quinn
-Pesantren and participatory development: the case of the pesantren maslakul huda of kajen,pati,central java: Bambang Budiwiranto
-Religious court in indonesia: history and prospect: Idri
-Pluralism discourse: the views of young muhammadiyah intellectuals: Biyanto
-Manufacturing the "ontological enemy": socio-political construction of anti-democracy discourses among HTI activisys in post-new order indonesia: Masdar Hilmy
-Islam and (political) liberalism: a note on an evolving debate in indonesia: Supriyanto Abdi
-Ahmadiyah and the freedom of religion in indonesia: Muhammad As'ad
-bahth kitab hujjat al-siddiq li daf al-zindiq li al-ahaykh nur al-din al-raniri: Akhwan Mukarrom
-Hamka wa juhuduh fi tafsir al-qur'an al-karim bi indunisiya fi kitabih al-azhar: Roem Rowi
-Fractered consensus: Islamic groups and the perceived military politics in post-suharto indonesia: Lukman Hakim
Vol.4 No.2 desember 2010
-In Search of socio-historical roots of southeast asia's islamist terrorism: with special reference to an indonesian experience: Sumanto AL Qurtuby
-The changing paradigm pf indonesia jihadist movements: from al-aw=duww al-qarib to al-aduww al-ba'id: Syaifudin Zuhri
-The problema of multiculturalism: radicalism mainstreaming through religious preaching in surakarta: Zakiyuddin Baidhawy
-The discource of muslim intellectuals and ulama in indonesia: a historical overview: Khoirun Niam
-Jum'atan in the graveyard: an anthropological study of pilgrims in the grave of sunnan gunung jati cirebon, west java: Burhanudin Sanusi
-Religious anthropocentrism: the discourse of islamic psychology among indonesia muslim intellectuals: Nur Hamim
-Al-khitab al-dini bayna al-adlajah wa al-andanasah: Abdul Kadir Riyadi
-Sl-Dimuqratiyah bi indunisiya: Amani Burhanuddin Lubis
-Ecriture feminine: reconstructing social identity and recontextualizing the scripture: M.Hanafi
VOL. 05, NUMBER 01, JUNE 2011
-Religious Fredom in Indonesia: Curious Cases of Dialogues, Fatwas and Laws: Andy Fuller
-Shari’ah Bylaws in Indonesia and Their Implications for Religious Minorities: Ahmad Fuad Fanani
-Contemporary Fatawa of Nahdlatul Ulama: Between Observing the Madhhab and Adapting the Context: Achmad Kemal Riza
-The Dinamics of Pesantren: Responses towards Modernity and Mechanism in Organizing Transformation: Hanun Asrohah
-Contemporary Islamic Tought in Indonesian and Malay World: Islam Liberal, Islam Hadhari, and Islam Progresif: Kamaruzzaman Bustaman-Ahmad
-Crafting Hizbiyyin in Contemporary Indonesia: Da’wah and Recruitment of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia in South Sulawesi: Syamsul Rijal
-Tajdid al-Fikr al-Tarbawi al-Islami Inda al-Syaykh Imam Zarkashi: Amal Fatullah Zarkasyi
-Aqidat Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah Laday Mashayikh Jam’i’yat Nahdat al-Ulama’ bi Jawa al-Sharqiyah: Maksum
-Homogeneous Face of Indonesian Muslims in the Mirror of Popular Islamic Publication: A New Model of Transmitting Teachings and Meeting the Need of Religion: Chairati Saleh
Vol.06, No.01, June 2012
-Pluralism, Fatwa and court in indonesia: The case of Yusman Roy:Nadirsyah Hosen
-Islamist party, electoral polotics and da'wah mobilization among youth:The prosperous justice party (PKS) in indonesia:Noorhaidi Hasan
-Rereading patriarchal interpretations on the Qur'an from Hadith perspective in the Eve of Law No. 23/2004 on the elimination of domestic violence:Siti Aisyah
-The islamic perspective of change in government administration and law: With special reference to the development of legal political system in post-Reformasi Indonesia:Yasid
-Hazairin's legal thought and his contribution towards the indonesian legal system:Sukiati
-Traditional islam in javanese society: the roles of kyai and pesantren in preserving islamic tradition and negotiating modernity:Muhammad Latif Fauzi
-The study of instilling plurality values to the students of islamic schools in Makassar:Hamdan Juhannis
-The local politics of Orthodoxy:the Majelis Ulama Indonesia in the post-New order Banten:Moch. Nur Ichwan
-al-Lughawiya al-muqarana wa ta'lim al-lugha al'arabia li al indunisia:Moh. Afifuddin Dimyati
Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2011
-Muslim Intellectuals or Housemaids?: the Saudi Perceptions of the Indonesian Domestic Workers / Yon Machmudi
-The Nahdlatul Ulama:Its Early History and Cinstribution to the establisment of Indonesian state / Faisal ismail
-Radical Islamic Ideology in Makassar:Its Dissemination and politization / Mustari Mustafa
-The History of Islam and Its Dissemination in Ambon-Lease,Maluku / Hamzah Tualeka Zn
-Islamic Microfinance Initiatives to Enhance Small and medium Enterprises (SMEs)in Indonesian: An Overview / Mohammad Syafii Antonio
-Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari's thought on Education / Husnul Yaqin
-Tariqat Al-Tarjamah Al-Waqifiyah Al-Mu'jamiyah Al-Mu'allaqah: Tasawwur 'Amm wa Al-Bahth Al-Tarikhi'Anha / Ibnu Burdah
-Manzumat Al-Maskumanbangi wa Dauruha fi Al-Dirasat Al-Falakiyah bi Indunisiya / fatin Masyhud Bahri
-Re-examining Dutch orientalism in Constructing Indonesian islam / ahmad Nur Fuad
JR00536 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.04, No.02, Des 2010 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
JR00610 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.04, No.02, Des 2010 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Storage |
JR00203 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.03, N0.02, Des. 2009 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Storage |
JR00169 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.03, N0.02, Des. 2009 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
JR00143 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.01, No.02, Des 2007 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
JR00199 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.01, No.02, Des 2007 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Storage |
JR00188 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.03, No.01, Jun 2009 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
JR00186 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.03, No.01, Jun 2009 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Storage |
JR00201 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.02, No.02, Des 2008 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
JR00202 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.02, No.02, Des 2008 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Storage |
JR00198 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.02, No.01, June 2008 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
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JR00173 | JR 2X0.05 vOL.04, No.01, June 2010 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
JR00197 | JR 2X0.05 vOL.04, No.01, June 2010 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Storage |
JR00164 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.01, No.01, June 2007 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
JR00208 | JR 2X0.05 Vol.01, No.01, June 2007 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Storage |
JR01432 | JR 2X0.05 | Perpustakaan Pusat UIN Walisongo | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
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