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archipel 69 Th 2005
archipel 70 Th 2005
archipel 71 Th 2006
archipel 72 Th 2006
archipel 73 Th 2007
archipel 74 Th 2007
archipel 75 Th 2008
archipel 76 Th 2008
archipel 77 Th 2009
archipel 78 Th 2009
archipel 79 Th 2010
archipel 80 Th 2010
archipel 81 Th 2011 (Kosong)
archipel 82 Th 2011
archipel 83 Th 2012
archipel 84 Th 2012
archipel 85 Th 2013

archipel 69 Th 2005
-Traditional and Popular Painting in Modern Java / Matthew Isaac Cohen
-Frontispiece Architecture in Ngayogyakarta:Notes on Structure and Sources / Tim Behrend
-Chinese Influence on Early Modren Indonesian Art? Hou Qua:a Chinese Painting in 19th-Century Java / Werner Kraus
-Naissances et renaissance de la peinture sous verre a Java / Jerome Samuel
-Raden IStigno Kartodidjojo (1921-1999). A la recherche d'un sublime (adiluhung) javanais / Pierre Labrousse
-Raden Saleh et les Hollandais : artiste protege ou otage politique ? / Marie-Odette Scalliet
-Raden Saleh's Interpretation of the Arrest of Diponegoro:an Example of Indonesian "Proto-Nationalist" Modernism / Werner Kraus
-Indonesie 2004.le chevalier cache et la fin d'un monde / Francois Raillon

archipel 70 Th 2005
-Avant-propos / La Redaction
-Note on the Early History of the Maldives / Naseema Mohamed
-Inscriptions islamiques en arabe de I' archipel des Maldives / Ludvik Kalus & Claude Guillot
-Kalu Muhammmad Hilali,sultan of the Maldives (1491-1528) / Jorge m.dos Santos Alves
-L'halietique Maldivienne,une ethno-culture millenaire / Francois Doumenge
-Le reve des jeunes filles portugaises du milieu du XIX siecle:devenir / Jorge m.dos Santos Alves
-An early Traveler's Compendium:Caspar Schmalkalden'a Images of Asia / Mary Somers Heidhues
-Sufi Scents Across the Indian Ocean:Yemeni Hagiography and the Earlies History of Southeast Asian Islam / R.Michael Feener & Michael F.Laffan
-Southeast Asia as Seen from Mughal Indian : Tahir Muhammad's 'Immaculate Garden' (ca.1600) / Muzaffar Alam & Sanjay Subrahmanyam
-La Sericiculture a Sumatra Nord.De I'histoire a la legende de Job / Clsudine Salmon
-Camels,Seals and the Early Tin Coinage of Brunei / Annabel Teh Gallop
-Upas,September and the Bugis at the Cape of Good Hope.The Context of a Slave;s Letter / Sirtjo Koolhof & Robert Ross
-Shoutheast Asia in the Ming Shi-Lu :An Open Access Resource,(R.Ptak) / Geoff Wade (tr.)
-Wang Jonghong yu Zheng He Xia Xiyang,(R.Ptak) / Zhu Mingyuan Et Al (EDS)
-Chinese Indonesians.remembering,Distorting,Forgetting,(C.Chua) / Tim Lindsey & helen Pausacker (EDS)
-The Penang Po Leung kuk.Chinese Women,Prostitution and a Welfare Organisation, (C.Salmon) / Neil Khor jing Keong & Khoo Keat Siew
-Multiple Centres of Authority.Society and Environment in Siak and Eastern Sumatra, 1674-1827,(D.Perret / Timothy P.Barnard
-The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies / M.Zaini-Lajoubert
-Kontinuitas dan Perubahan dalam sejarah Sulawesi Selatan,(Y.wirawan) / Dias Pradadimara dan Muslimin A.r Effendy (EDS)
-Het Leven van E.F.E Douwes Dekker , (E.Naveau) / Frans Glissenaar
-Clearning a scape.Postcolonial Readings of Modern Indonesian Literatuire , (E.Naweau) / K.Foulcher,T.Day (EDS)
-Southeast Asia.A testament.Critical Asian Scholarship,(F.Raillon) / George Mcturnan Kahin
-Indonesian Destinies ,(F.Raillon) / Theodore , Freind
-From Subjects to Citizens.Balinese Villagers in the Indonesian Nation-State , (M.Picard) / Lyn Parker

archipel 71 Th 2006
-L'entree des artistes / Pierre Labrousse
-Le Portrait du peintre au mirior de la nation / Etienne Naveau
-Bali et les peintres ou Iinvention d'un mythe national / jean Couteau
-L'identite de Surabaya dans la peinture moderne / Raida Ngasiran
-L'institution des ventes plubiques : les maitres marchands de la peinture indonesienne / Helene Njoto-Feillard
-Indonesie 2005 : Soleil double / francois Raillon
-Southeast Asia.From Prehistory to History (M.Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens) / Ian Glover and Peter Bellwood (EDS)
-Zheng he yu haishang sichou zhi lu (R.Ptak) / Ieong Wan Chong (Yang Yunzhong,ED)
-Ming chaoben "yingya shenglan"jiaozhu (R.Ptak) / Ma Huan (original author) , Wan ming (ED)
-Zeng he .images & Perceptions,Bilder & wahrnerhmungen (A.Schottenhammer) / Claudine Salmon And Roderich Ptak (EDS)

archipel 72 Th 2006
-Croquer une vie d'archeologue.Hasan Muarif Ambary (1939-2006) / Francois Semah
-A propos du peintre philippin Antonio D.Malatie qui s'avere etre antonio Malantic / Claudine Salmon
-Un Corp oublie ? A propos d'un ceremonial bissu presente a Paris (2006) / Gilbert Hamonic
-Reinterpretation des plus anciennes steles funeraires islamiques nousantariennes : III.Sri Lanka / Ludvik Kalus & Claude Guillot
-Inscriptions islamiques sur des canons d'Insulinde du XVI siecle / Claude Guillot & Ludvik Kalus
-The art of the Qur'an in Banten:Calligraphy and illumination / Annabel teh Gallop & Ali Akbar
-Women's Social Status as Relected in Chinese Epigraphs from Insulinde (16th-20th Centuries) / Claudine Salmon
-The Manufacture of Chinese gravestones in Indonesia-A Preliminary Survey / Claudine Salmon & Myra Sidharta
-Johann Wilhemlm Vogel and the Sumatran Gold Mines : One Mans Fortune / Mary Somers Heidhues
-Recits d'un medecin militaire tcheque a Aceh et en pays Batak (1878-1883) / Ludvik Kalus
-Hinduism in Modern Indonesia.A minority religion between local national, and global interests (M.Picard) / Martin Ramstedt (ED)
-Saints and sons.the making and remaking of the rashidi ahmadi sufi order , 1799-2000 (W.Kraus) / mark sedgwick
-Anatomy of the Jakarta coup:October 1,1965 . the collusion with China which destroyed the Amry command,president Sukarno and the communist party of Indonesia (F.Raillon) / Victor Miroslay Fic
-Wars Within,the story of tempo , an Independent Magazine in Soeharto's indonesia (R.Madinier) / janet Steele
-Orang Cina khek dari Singkawang (m.somers Heidhues) / hari Poerwanto
-Balinese Dance,drama and music . a Guide to the Performing arts of Bali (M.Picard) / I Wayan Dibia & Rucina Ballinger
-Butterflies and phoenixes.Chinese Inspirations in Indonesian Textile arts (C.salmon) / judith Knight-Achjadi & asmoro Damais

archipel 73 Th 2007
-Stranger-Kings in Southeast Asia and Elsewhere / (LIPI,KITLV,ARI,IIAS, Jakarta,5-7 June 2006)
-Conference and Workshop:Decolonisation and the Position of the Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia 1930-1960 / (Padang, 19-21 June 2006)
-Un colloque international sur le concept de (Depok,19-20 juillet 2006)
-Un colloque sur en Malaisie / (Kuala Lumpur , 3-5 aout 2006)
-Workshop "From Distant Tales - Archaeology and Ethiohistory in the Highlands of Sumatra" / (Berlin,21-23 September 2006)
-European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, 11th International Conference / (Bougon,25-30 september 2006)
-Matjong, a Master Painter of late colonial Bali / Thomas L.Cooper
-L'art Deco en Indonesie.Un imaginaire de la modernite / Gilbert Hamonic
-Gold looted and Excavated from Late (1300 AD-1600 Ad) pre-Islamic Makasar graves / Wayne A.Bougas
-Culture Links between inslindian Chinese and Fujian as reflected in Two Late 17th-Centure Epigraphs / Claudine Salmon
-Ceuvres Malaises modernes inspirees inspirees de traditions anciennes (depuis les anne 1940) / Monique Zaini-Lajoubert
-Indonesie 2006 : le pays des catastrophes / Francois Raillon
-India and southeast Asia.Towards security convergence (F.Raillon) / Sudhir Devare
-La fin de I'innocence ? L'Islam indonesien face a la tentation radicale de 1967 a nos jours (F.Raillon) / Andree feillard & remy madinier
-Feeling threatened. Muslim-Chstioan relations in indonesia's new order (R.Madinier) / Mujiburrahman
-Historical Sbah:the chienes (c.Salmon) / Danny Wong tze ken
-Daitian xunshoun,Yongquen dian Chi wangye yu wangchuan,Tour inspection by Imperial Decree-Tee Ong yah and the Wangkang (C.salmon) / Soo Khin Wa
-Grammaire de la langue Cam (N.Weber) / gerard moussay
-the heritage of traditional malay literature a.Historical survey of genres, writing and literara views (m.Zaini-Lajoubert) / Vladimir Braginsky

archipel 74 Th 2007
-the first internasional Conference on aceh and India Ocean Studies/(Banda Aceh,Swiss-belhotel Internasional,24-27 fevrier 2007)
-Le deuxieme colloque internasional de I'Association malaisinne de litterature comparee/ (Kuala Lumpur,7-9 juin 2007)
-La fonte de cannos a'java, Vers 1525/ Jorge manuel Dos santos Alves
-Les eclatats du passe prehistorique de sumatra : une tres longue histoire des techniques/ Hubert Forestier
-Le programme archeologique franco-indonesien sur Padang lawas(Sumatra Nord).Reflexions premilinaires/ Daniel perret, Heddy surachman, Lucas P.Koestoro,Sukawati Susetyo
-Essai de chronologie de la ceramique chinoise trouvee a Si Pamutung,padang lawas : X-debut XIV siecle/ Marie-France Dupoizat
-Un opuscule latin sur la prise de Malacca par les Portugis,imprime en/ italie en 1514/ Jean Aubin et Luis Filipe F.R. Thomaz
-Exceptions to the Rule: malay Seals in Manuscript Books/Annabel Teh Gallop
-Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy in indonesia-Some Sidelights/Claudine Salmon et Myra Sidharta
-Chronique de I'annee des tigres : Raden Saleh entre Paris et Dresde/ Marie-Odette Scalliet
-Das ostindische Abenteuer: Deutsche in Dienten der Vereinigten Ostindischen Kompanie der Niederlande (VOC) 1600-1800 (M.somers Heidhues)/ROELOF VAN GELDER
-Tot Verheffing van mijn natie.Het leven en werk van Francois Valentijn(1666-1727)/ (E.Naveau)/ HABIBOE R.R.F.
-Les Javanais du Caillou.Des affres de I'exil aux aleas de I'integration (P.Levang)/ JEAN-LUC MAURER AVEC LA COLLABORATION MARCEL MAGI ET UNE CONTRIBUTION DE MARIE-JO SIBAN
-violent Conflicts in indonesia: Analysis,Representation,Resolution (M.Somers Heidhues)/ CHARLES A COPPEL (ED).
-Covarrubias in Bali (M.Picard)/ ADRIANA WILLIAMS & YU-CHEE CHONG
-Etats et litterature en Asie.L'emergence des Etats modernes,XIX-XX siecles(E.Naveau) /MONIQUE ZAINI-LAJOUBERT(ED.)
-L'Asie entre Inde et Chine.Logiques territoriales des Etats (F.Raillon)/ MICHAEL BRUNEAU
-Chuancheng wenming, zou xiang shijie, heping fazhan;jinian Zheng He xia Xiyang 600 Zhounian gouji xueshu luntan lunwenji. Carry on Civilization, Open to the World,for Peace and Development; Proceedings of [the] International Academic Forum in Memory of the 600th Anniversary of Zhenf He's Expedition (R.Ptak)/ JIANGSU SHENG JINIAN ZHENG HE XIA XIYANG 600 ZHOUNIAN HUODONG CHOUBEI LINGDAO XIAOZU(ED.)
-Zheng He xia Xiyang de huigu yu sikao (R.Ptak)/ SU JILAN ET AL (EDS.)
-Zheng He xia Xiyang yu huaqiao huaren wenji (C.Salmon)/ LI XIAODONG, WU QIUYU(EDS.)
-Navegacoes chinenas no secolu XV.Realidade e ficcao (R.Ptak)/ JOSE MANUEL MALHAO PEREIRA AND JIN GUOPING
-Zheng He.China the Oceans in the Early Ming Dynasty, 1405-1433 (R.Ptak)/ EDWARD L.DREYER
-Ming Dynasty Baochuanchanf Shipyard in Nanjing (S.K. Church)/ NANJING MUNICIPAL MUSEUM(NANJING SHI BOWU GUAN)

archipel 75 Th 2008
-21st KITLV Internasional workshop on Southeast Asian Studies.
Conceptions of Cleanliness: Some Southeast Asian Examples/ (Leiden, August 28-31,2007)
-5th EuroSEAS Conference/ (Naples,12-14 septembre 2007)
-Le onzieme colloque international sur la traduction/ (Kuala Lumpur,21-23 novembre 2007)
-Early Indian Influences in Southeast Asia: Reflections on Cross-Cultural Movements/ (Singapour,21-23 novembre 2007)
-La du cinema malaisien a Paris/ Gilbert Hamonic
-En quete de I'identite balinaise a la fin de I'epoque coloniale/ Michel Picard
-La reception de I'oeuvre de Khalil Gibran en Indonesie/ Etienne Naveau
-Yavadvipa and the Merapi Volcno in Sumatra/ Waruno Mahdi
-Une lettre en persan de 1519 sur la situation a Malacca/ Jorge M.Dos Santos Alves & Nader Nasiri-Moghaddam
-La mission de Theodose de Lagrene et les enquetes sur les textiles d'Insulinde(1844-1846)/ Claudine Salmon
-Islamisme et democratie en Indonesie : quand la tradition se rapproche de la cause des femmes/ Andree Feillard
-Indonisie 2007: la republique du reve/ Francois Raillon
-Malay Words and Malay Things.Lexical Souvenirs from an Exotic Archipelago in German Publications before 1700 (Marlies Salazar)/ WARUNO MAHDI
-A merry senhor in the Malay world.Four texts of the Syair Sinyor Kosta (M.Zaini-Lajoubert)/ A.TEEUW, R.DUMAS, MUHAMMAD HAJI SALLEH, R.TOL& M.J. VAN YPEREN(EDS.)
-journeys of desire.A Study of the Balinese text Malat (M.Picard)/ ADRIAN VICKERS
-Of Self and Injustice (E.Naveau)/ C.W.WATSON
-Voyage aux Indes Orientales.Un jeune Allemand au service de la VOC:Afrique du SUd,Maurice,Java(1671-1676),texte traduit,present et annote par Marc Delpech. (C.Salmon)/ JOHANN CHRISTIAN HOFFMANN
-Trade and Society in the Straits of Malaka: Dutch Melaka and English Penang/ 1780-1830/ (P.Wormser)/ NORDIN HUSSIN
-colonial Image of Malay Adat Lawas,A Critical Apprisal of Studies on Adat Laws in the Malay Peninsula during the Colonial Era and Some continuities (A.Feillard) / NOOR AISHA ABDUL RAHMAN
-Cultural Exchange bettwen India and Southeast Asia.Production and distribution of hard stone ornaments (VI c. Bc-VI c.AD). (M.Pirazzoli-t' Sersteves)/ BERENICE BELLINA
-Muddied Waters: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Management of Forest and Fisheries in Island Southeast Asia. (M.Charras)/ PETER BOOMGAARD, DAVID HENLEY AND MANON OSSEWEIJER(EDS.)
-Huo zai biechu/Life is Elsewhere.Stories of the Indonesian Chinese in Hong Kong.(c.Salmon)/ WANG CANGBAI
-Dongnanya yanjiu/Southeast Asian Studies, 2007(L.Vandermeersch)/ JEAN A.BERLIE(HAN LIN)

archipel 76 Th 2008
-Netzwerks Zwischen Synkretismus und Orthodoxie: Zur religiosen Dynamik Sudostasiens.Le reseau "Entre syncretisme et orthodoxie: dynamiques religiuses en Asie du Sud-Est"
-The Chinese Origin of the Muara Jambi Gong as Evidenced by a new Archaeological Find/ Claudine Salmon
-Representations du monde dans le golfe du Bengale au XVII siecle : Alaol at Raniri/ Paul Wormser & Thibaut d'Hubert
-Millenarianism in Mountainous Central Java.The Case of Pekalongan 1871/ Gerrit Knaap
-Du messianisme au depassement de la (religion).La voie de Salamullah dans I'Indonesie du XXI siecle/ Andree Feillard
-Haryadi Suadi et la Penture sous verre. Un art populaire au sevice des academies/ Jerome Samuel
-Malacca's Straits Chinese Anglophone Poets and their Experince of Malaysian Nationalism/ Neil Khor
-Le retour du fils prodige: Raden Slaeh a Java(1851-1858)/ Marie-Odette Scalliet
-Raden Saleh,temion de la societe armenienne de Java/ Keram Kevonian
-Le gout chinois pour les nids de salanganes et ses repercussions economiques en Indonesie(XV/XVI-XXI s)/ Claudine Salmon
-Sugata Bose, A Hundred Horizons: The Indian Ocean in the Age of Global Empire (Rila Mukhrjee)
-Die maritime Seidenstasse. Kustenraume,Seefahrt und Handel in vorkolonialer Zeit (C.Salmon)/ Roderich Ptak
-(The Overseas Trade System of the Ming Dynasty),Ser Dongfang lishi xueshu wenku (R.Ptak)/ LI QINGXIN, Mingdai haiwai maoyi zhidu
-Napak Tilas Perjalanan Mpu Prapanca.Avant-propos du Prof.Dr.Edi Sedyawati (D.Perret)/ HADI SIDOMULYO
-Detik-Detik yanag menentukan.Jalan panjang indonesia menuju demokrasi (F.Railon)/ BACHRUDDIN JUSUF HABIBIE
-Loan-words in Indonesian and malay,Compiled by the Indonesian Etymologial Project (W.Mahdi)/ RUSELL JONES(GEN.ED.)
-Bidasari,Jewel of Malay Muslim Culture (M.Zaini-Lajoubert)/ JULIAN MILLIE(ED.)
-Insular Southeast Asia.Linguistic and Cultural Studies in Honour of Bernd Nothofer (M.Salazar)/ FRITZ SCHULZE& HULGER WARMK(EDS.)
-Oiseaux:Heros et devins (R.Ptak)/ RITA H.REGNIER(ED.)

archipel 77 Th 2009
-A Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, "Hot" and "Cool" Languages,"Dressed" and "Undressed" Ones and More (Leiden,26-28 June 2008)
-Studying Islam in Southeast Asia: State of the Art and New Approaches (Leiden,7-8 July 2008)
-Euopean Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists,12th Internasional Conference (Leyde,1-5 septembre 2008)
-The Enigma of H.Costenoble-The Long Search for the Author of Die Chamoro Sprache/ Marlies Salazar
-Du nouveau sur la mysterieuse mission de Batavia a Saigon en 1890 / Koos Kuiper
-Quand un sultan d'Aceh devient turc a la suite du tsunami [Epigraphie islamique d'Aceh.1] / Claude Guillot & Ludvik Kalus
-Quand le style funeraire de Brunei se retrouve a Aceh [Epigraphie islamique d'Aceh.2] / Ludvik Kalus & Calude Guillot
-Un modele moghol a Aceh au XVII siecle? / Paul Wormser
-Brau de Saint-Pol Lias a sumatra (1876-1881). Utopies coloniales et figures de I'explorateur/ Pierra Labrousse
-1740 and the Chinese Massacre in Batavia: Some German Eyewitness Accout / Mary Somers Heidhues
-The Massacre of 1740 as Reflected in a Contemporary Chinese Narrative/ Claudine Salmon
-Indian Patola and Trade Cloth Influence on the Textiles of the Atoin Meto People of West Timor / Joanna Barrkman
-Indonesie 2008: le principe de realite / Francois Raillon
-Le voyage de Magellan (1519-1522). La relation d'Antonio Pigafetta & autres temoignages (Paul Wormser)
-Perang Sepanjang 1740-1743:Tionghoa-Jawa Lawan VOC (Mary Somers Heidhues) / DARADJADI
-A Lifelong Passion. P.J Veth(1814-1895) and the Dutch East Indies (Etienne Naveau) / PAUL TER DER VELDE
-Colonial Collections Revisited (Daniel Perret)/ PIETER TER KEURS(ED.)
-Under three Flags.Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination (Marlies Salazar) / BENEDICT ANDERSON
-Religion und Identitat.Muslime und Nicht-Mulime in Sudostasien (Marlies Salazar) / FRITZ SCHULZE UND HOLGER WARNK
-Il etait une fois les . La cas des Toradja de Celebes (Dana Rappoport) / JEANNINE KOUBI
-Conflict, violence and displacement in Indonesia (Francois Raillon) / EVA-LOTTA E.HEDMAN (ED.)
-Menjadi Jawa : Orang-orang Tionghoa dan Kebudayaan Jawa di Surakarta, 1895-1998 (Didi Kwartanada) / RUSTOPO
-Les levres du monde.Literatures comparess de la Caraibe a I'Archipel malais (Etienne Naveau) / GEORGES VOISSET
-Kemaloh Lundayeh-English Dictionary (Waruno Mahdi) / RICKY GANANG,JAY CRAIN,VICKI PEARSON-ROUND

archipel 78 Th 2009
-International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies II,Civil Conflict and its Remedies / (Banda Aceh,23-24 fevrier 2009)
-Note sur le sultanat de pidir.Debut du XVI siecle [Epigraphie islamique d'Aceh.3] / Claude Guillot & Ludvik Kalus
-Pulverized in Aceh : On Luis Menteiro Coutinho and his 'Martyrdom' / Sanjay Subrahmanyam
-Traduction du tcheque et adaption en francis de Ludvik Kalus & Claude Guillot / Pavel Durdik : Cinq annees a Sumatra.Recits d'un medecin militaire,1877-1883 (Extraits)
-Auguste de Molion.Un artiste a Java dans Le Tour du monde (1864) / Pierre Labrousse
-La decouverte de Madagascar par les Portugais au XVI siecle / Luis Filipe Thomaz
-Malay (and Javanese)Loan-words in Chinese as a Mirror of Cultural Exchanges / Claudine Salmon
-La Bonne gouvernance selon I'ecrivain indonesien Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Misri (fin XVIII s-debut XIX s.) / Monique Zaini-Lajoubert
-Shanghai haishi daxue,Zhongguo hanghairi huodong bangongshi,Zhongguo haiyang xuehui (eds.),Haiyang.Women minzu liuxia de jiyi (Roderich Ptak)
-KONG YUANZHI,ZHENG YIJUN,Dongnanya kaocha lun Zheng He (Roderich Ptak)
-MATHIEU TORCK,Avoiding the Dire Straits.An Inquiry into food Provision and Scurvy in the Maritime and Military History of China and Wider East Asia. (Claudine Salmon)
-Peranakan Tionghoa Indonesia.Sebuah Perjalanan Budaya(The Peranakan Chinese of Indonesia.Voyage of a Culture). / (Claudine Salmon)
-JEREMY WALLACH,Modern noise,fluid genres :Popular music in Indonesia,1997-2001. / (Dana Rappoport)
-JOHANNES MARIA HAMMERLE(ed.), Geschichten und Gesange von der Insel Nias in Indonesien (Stories and Songs from the island Nias in Indonesia). / (Marlies Salazar)
-GRET SURBECK, ,,Im Herzen waren wir Indonesier".Eine Bernerin in den Kolonien Sumatra und Java 1920-1945. (Marlies Salazar)
-COELI BARRY(ed.),The Many Ways of Being Muslim:Fiction by Muslim Filipino. (Elsa Clave)
-LALITA SINHA,The Other Salina.A Samad Said's Masterpiece in Translation. (Monique Zaini-Lajoubert)

archipel 79 Th 2010
-Dana Rappoport et Jerome Samuel
-Kroncong Revisited :New Evidence from Old Sources / Philip Yampolsky
-Music and Malayness :Orkes Melayu in Indonesia,1950-1965 / Andrew Weintraub
-Changing Conventions in the Central Javanese Performing Arts: A Case Study of the Music of the Colonial-Era Wayang Kulit Purwa / Marc Perlman
-Le manuscrit du Langen Wibawa du palais du Pakualaman(Yogyakarta) / Sri Ratna Saktimulya
-L'univers du gamelan : opposition theorique et unicite fondamentale / Catherine Basset
-Wayan Gandera et I'histoire cachee du Gamelan Gong Kebyar / Michael Tenzer
-L'enigme des duos alternes a Flores et Solor(Lamaholot,Indonesie)/ Dana Rappoport
-Indonesie 2009:SBY II / Francois Raillon

archipel 80 Th 2010
-Le douzieme Colloque international sur la traduction (Penang,Malaisie,18-20 aout 2009)
-Mois d'intenses activites academiques a Kuala Lumpur et ses environs (November 2009)
-Unite et diversite prehistorique entre Java et Sumatra / Hubert Forestier,Truman Simanjuntak,Florent Detroit,Valery Zeitoun
-Interrelationships Among Central Javanese Temples: The Example of Asu,Lumbung and Pendem / Veronique Degroot & Marijke J.Klokke
-From Kuta Raja to Singhasari: Towards a Revision of the Dynastic History of 13th Century Java / Hadi Sidomulyo
-Glass from China and from India:Finds of Vessel Glass from Fourteenth Century Singapore / Brigitte Borell
-Glass Material from Singapore / Laure Dussubieux
-Bayt al-rijal :premier cimetiere royal du sultanat d'Aceh [Epigraphie islamique d'Aceh.4] / Ludvik Kalus & Claude Guillot
-Serce Limani, Volume II : The Glass of an Eleventh-Century Shipwreck (Claudine Guillot) / George F.Bass,Robert H.Brill,Berta LIedo and Sheila D.Matthews
-Catalogue of the Chinese Style Ceramics of Majapahit (John N.Miksic) / Marie-France Dupoizat & Naniek Harkantiningsih
-Manuel Godhino de Eredia,Informacao de Aurea Quersoneso,ou Peninsula,e das Ilhas Auriferas,Carbunculas e Aromaticas (Michel Picard)
-Security,democracy and regionalism in Southeast Asia, (Francois Raillon) / Donald K.Emmerson (ed.),Hard choices

archipel 82 Th 2011
-Sixieme congres EuroSEAS (European Association for South East Asian Studies) / (Goteborg,26-28 aout 2011)
-Colloque sur le Sasterawan Negara Muhammad Haji Salleh (Kuala Lumpur,9-10 novembre 2010)
-Songs of Memory,an International Conference on Epics and Ballads: Safeguarding Cultural Heritage at the Turn of the 21st Century (Manille,20-22 janvier 2011)
-Third International Conference in the Framework of the Training Indonesia's Young Leaders Programme (Bogor,24-26 janvier 2011)
-The Chinese in Brunei:From Ceramics to Oil Rent / Marie-Sybille de Vienne
-Pers Tionghoa Makassar Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua / Yerry Wirawan
-Fantasizing Chinese/Indonesian Hero:Njoo Cheong Seng and the Gagaklodra Series / Elizabeth Chandra
-Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni :une eglise d'inspiration indienne a Medan,Sumatra Nord / Daniel Perret
-What the Tamils Said : A Letter from the Kelings of Melaka (1527) / Sanjay Subrahmanyam
-From Slave to King:The Role of South Asians in Maritime Southeast Asia (from the late 13th to the late 17th century) / Daniel Perret
-Nagapattinam to Suvarnadwipa:Reflections on the Chola Naval Expeditions to Southeast Asia and GEOFF WADE 7 SUN LAICHEN(EDS.) Southeast Asia in the Fifteenth Century:The China Factor / Review article based on:HERMANN KULKE,K.KESAVAPANY & VIJAY SAKHUJA(EDS.)
-YU-MEI BALASINGAMCHOW 7 MARK RAVINDER FROST : Singapore: A Biography (Denis Bocquet)
-AIMEE DAWIS:The Chinese of indonesia and their Search for Identity:The Relationship Between Collective Memory and The Media (Mary Somers Heidues)
-ESTHER KUNTJARA:Women and Politeness:The Hybrid Language and Culture of Chinese Indonesian Women in Surabaya (Doris Jedamski)
-RUSSEL JONES:Chinese Loan-Words in Malay and Indonesian.A Background Study (Claudine Salmon)
-CHRISTINE WINKELMANN:Kulturelle Identitaskonstruktionen in der Post-Suharto Zeit:chinesischstammige Indonesier zwischen Assimilation und Besinnung auf ihre Wurzeln [Cultural construction of Identity in the Post-Suharto Period:Indonesians of Chinese Descent between Assmilation and Contemplation of their Roots] / (Mary Somers Heidhues)
-MARIE SYBILLE DE VIENNE:Les chinois en Insulinde : echanges et societes marchandes au XVII siecle d'apres les sources de la V.O.C / (Paul Wormser)

archipel 83 Th 2012
-International Workshop on Epigraphy of Southeast Asia/ (Kuala Lumpur,9-10 November 2011)
-Note sur le sultanat de Peudada,fin XV-debut XVI s. [Epigraphie islamique d'Aceh.5] / Ludvik Kalus & Claude Guillot
-Un objet insolite ancien inscrit de caracteres arabes en pays minang/ Ludvik Kalus & Claude Guillot
-Between Legend and Reality:The Bukit Batu Cemetery of the Island of Bintan,Riau Archipelago / Gilles Massot & Ludvik Kalus
-Nouvelles considerations sur les deux inscriptions arabes dites du Champa / Abdeljaouad Lotfi
-Mais qui etait donc Nona Lantzius? A propos d'une tombe de I'archipel des Banda / Pascal Guillaume
-Religious Freedom vs. Women's Rights in Indonesia: The Case of Mohammad Insa / Faye Yik-Wei Chan
-Journeys,Palaces and Landscapes in the Javanese Imaginary.Some Preliminary Comments Based on the Kakawin Sumanasantaka / Peter Worsley
-L'epineuse question sociale ou les limites de la Reformasi / Remy Madinier
-SRI KUHNT-SAPTODEWO,DAGMAR POSPISILOVA,PHILIP HESSER(eds): Sulawesi and Beyond,the Franstisek Czurda Collection
-DAGMAR POSPISILOVA,IVANA HLADKA,ANNA JEZBEROVA(eds):Pavel Durdik(1843-1903).Life and work.Ethnological collection of the Island of Nias / (Claude Guillot)
-Sandra Niessen:Legacy in cloth.batak Textiles of Indonesia (Antonio Guerreiro)
-HELMUT LUKAS:Ungleichheit und Egalitat.Die Sozialstruktur der vorkolonialen Toba-batak Samosirs(Sumatra) im Vergleich zu Gesellschaften am Festland Sudostasiens / (Marlies Salazar)
-PHILIP YAMPOLSKY:Indonesie:Chants de Biboki(Timor occidental)/Songs of Biboki (Western Timor) / (Dana Rappoport)
-JEMMA PURDEY:From Vienna to Yogyakarta: The Life of Herb Feith / (Mary Somers Heidhues)
-BONNIE TRIYANA:Eddie Lembong:Mencintai Tanah Air Sepenuh Hati / (Mary Somers Heidhues)
-EUIS NURLAELAWATI,Modernization,Tradition and Identity,the Kompilasi Hukum Islam and Legal Practice in the Indonesian Religious Courts / (Andree Feillard)
-OLIVIER ROY:La Sainte Ignorance.Le temps de la religion sans culture / (Etienne Naveau)
-JOHN U.WOLF:Proto-Austronesian Phonology with Glossary / (Waruno Madhi)

archipel 84 Th 2012
-Caracterisation preliminaire des poteries marqueurs d'echanges en mer de Chine meridonale a la fin de la prehistoire / Berenice Bellina,Guillaume Epinal,Aude Favereau
-A Highland Perspective on the Archaeology and Settlement History of Sumatra / Dominik Bonatz
-A propos d'un crane grave de borneo au Musee des Confluences de Lyon/ Antonio Guerreirro
-A Hybrid Community in Est Malaysia:The Sino-Kadasan of Sabah and their Search for Identity / Danny Wong Tze Ken
-Pascal-Jean-Balthazar and his Timorese Backgroud:New Materials on an Old Issue / Hans Hagerdal
-Queens of Timor / Douglas kammen
-Dumont d'Urville et I'Astrolabe Ambon (1827-1828).Le traitement des images de I'expedition/ Pierre Labrouse
-Chinese Bird Import from Maritime Southeast Asia,c.1000-1500/ Roderich Ptak
-Jorge santos Alves(Directed by):Fernao Mendes Pinto and the Peregrinacao:Studies,Restored Portuguese Text,Notes and Indexes(Sanjay Subrahmanyam)
-I nyoman Darma Putra:A Literary Mirror:Balinese Reflections on Modernityband Identity in the Twentieth Centuryn(Suryadi)
-Jayanti Bhattacharya:Beyond the Myth:Indian Business Communities in Singapore (Pierre Lachaier)
-A.B Shamsul & Kaur Arunajeet(eds.):Sikhs in Southeast Asia:Negotiating an Identity (Pierre Lachaier)

archipel 85 Th 2013
-International conference seales as symbol of power and authority in southeast asia /Daniel parret
-Mode insulindien et peninsula indochinoise : un panorama de contacs millenaires/Daniel perret & danny wong tze ken
-The problem of the ancientname java and the role of satyavarman in southeast Asian internasional relations the turn of the ninth century CE/Arlo Griffith
-Maritime routes between Indochina and nusantara to the 18th century/Geoff wade
-Vietnamese ceramics in the malay world/marie-frnce dupiozat
-Les cam et les malais du combedge et de cochine vus par les archives colonials/Nicolas weber
-The ha chau or southern as observed by Vietnamese emissaries/Claudine salmon
-The cham arrivals in Malaysia : distant memories and rekindled links /danny wong tze ken
-Dari pada pelarian kepada usahawan : pangalaman masyarakat cam di pecan, Pahang Malaysia/siti nor awing
-Monde insulindien et peninsula indochinoise : essai bibliographique/Daniel perret & danny wong tze ken
-La principaute de daya mi-XVe-mi-XVIe siècle/ludvik kalus & claude guillot
-Cycles of quenship on timor : a response to douglas kammen/ hans hagerdal
-Hans hagerdal : tradition, identity, and history-making in eastern Indonesia/douglas kammen
-Eka sri mulyani : women from traditional Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia : negotiating public spaces/andree feillard
-Robert blust & jurg Schneider (eds) : a world of words revisting the work of renward branstetter / marlies salazar
-Marlies Salazar : perspectives on Philippine linguages/five centuris of European scholarship/jean-paul potet
-Archipel 91, 2016


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