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Religious studies : an international journal for the philosophy of religion
Vol. 46 No. 1, Maret 2010
-Jonathan Edwards’s ontology: a critique of Sang Hyun Lee’s dispositional account of Edwardsian metaphysics/ Oliver D. Crisp
-Plantinga’s version of the free-will argument: the good and evil that free beings do/ Kenneth Einar Himma
-Two ancient (and modern) motivations for ascribing exhaustively definite foreknowledge to God : a historic overview and critical assessment/ Gregory A. Boyd
-Sanctifying evidentialism/ Horace Fairlamb
-A critique of religious factionalism/ Benjamin S. Cordry
-Religious factionalism defended: reply to Cordry/ Andrew Eshleman
-The ethics of belief and Christian faith as commitment to assumptions/ Rik Peels
-Reconciling reason and religion : a response to Peels/ Brian Zamulinski
-God, compatilism and the authorship of sin/ Paul Helm
Vol. 46 No 2, Juni 2010
-Swinburne on divine necessity/ Brian Leftow
-The doctrine of the resurrection of the same body in early modern though/ Llyod Strickland
-The defensibility of Zoroastrian dualism/ John D. Kronen & Sandra Messen
-Schellenberg on divine hiddenness and religious skepticism/ Mark L. McCreary
-How to be an atheist and sceptic too: response to McCreary/ J.L Schellenberg
-The ontological argument and motivational centres of lives/ Alexander R. Pruss
-Religion and the ‘sensitive branch’ of human nature/ Benjamin D. Crowe
Vol. 46 No. 23, September 2010
-Gratuitous evil and divine providence/ Alan R. Rhoda
-Defining ‘gratuitous evil’ : a response to Alan R. Rhoda/ William Hasker
-In defence of logical nominalism: reply to Leftow/ Richard Swinburne
-God and other minds/ Fiona Ellis
-The evil-god challenge/ Stephen Law
-A proper de jure objection to the epistemic rationality of religious belief/ Todd R Long
-Partnership with God : a partial solution to the problem petitionary prayer/ Nicholas D. Smith &Andrew Yip
Vol. 46 No. 4, Desember 2010
-Objections to social trinitarianism/ William Hasker
-Two trinities: reply to Hasker/ Brian Leftow
-On ‘nothing to distinguish’ Schleiermacher and Otto: reply to Smith/ Andrew Dole
-Composition models of the incarnations: unity and unifying relations/ Anna Mardomoro & Jonathan Hill
-Kierkegaard on emotion; a critique of furtak’s wisdom in love/ Jamie Turnbull
-Sceptical theism and divine lies/ Eric J. Wielenberg
-Divine omnipotence and moral perfections/ Andrew Loke
Vol. 47 No. 1, Maret 2011
-Continuous creations and secondary causation: the threat of occasionalism/ Timothy D. Miller
-Some further reflections regarding the Talbott-Crisp of the Augustinian concept of everlasting punishment/ Dror Ehrlich
-Miracles and violations/ Timothy Pritchard
-Fine tuning and the varieties of naturalism/ Gregory E. Ganssle
-Problems for moral/natural supervenience/ David E.Alexander
-Sceptical theism and divine truths/ Aaron Segal
-Social trinitarianism and polytheism/ Brandon Carey
-Divine deception and monotheism: a reply to Hasker/ Dale Tuggy
-Deception and the trinity: a rejoinder to Tuggy/ William Hasker
-A defence of the no minimum response to the problem of evil/ Andrew Cullison
-Is the no minimum claim true? Reply to Cullison/ Jeff Jordan
Vol. 47 No. 2, Juni 2011
-Death, futility, and the proleptic power of narrative ending/ Joshua Seachris
-Taking nature mysticism seriously: marshall and the metaphysics of the self/ Anthony N. Perovich
-Can arguments boost warrant for Christian belief? Warrant boosting and the primacy of divine revelation/ Kevin S. Diller
-From Jena to Copenhagen: kierkegaard’s relation to German idealism and the critique of autonomy in the sickness unto death/ Samuel Loncar
-Transubtantiations, essentialism, and substance/ Patrick Toner
-Hell and character/ Joseph Corabi
-Plantinga’s belief-cum-desire argument refuted/ Stephen Law
-From restricted to full omniscience/ Alexander R. Pruss
Vol. 47 No. 3, September 2011
-Remembering Alston’s ‘evaluative particularism’/ Dean A. Kowalski
-The value nature in Indian (Hindu) traditions/ Christopher G Framarin
-The cognitive science of religion: a modivied theist response/ David Leech
-Counter-cultural religious experience/ Travis Dumsday
-Taking the appearance seriously: architectural experience and the phenomenological case for religious belief/ Mark Wynn
-The relevance of Kant’s objection to Anselm’s ontological argument/ Christ Heathwood
-Merely possible explanation/ Ghislain Guigon
-Molinism, open theism, and soteriological luck/ Mark B.Anderson
-More on moral critique of theodicies: reply to Robert Simpson/ Atle Ottesen Sovik
Vol. 27 No. 4, Desember 2011
-The good, the true and the beautiful : toward a unified account of great meaning in life/ Thaddeus Metz
-Regulative principles and ‘the Wise Author of Nature’/ Lawrence Pasternack
-Explaining why this body gives rise to me qua subject instead of someone else : an argument for classical substance dualism/ Kenneth Einar Himma
-Religious exclusivism unlimited/ Jeroen de Ridder
-Is God’s belief requirement rational?/ Greg Janzen
-Possible words and the beauty of God/ Mark Ian Thomas Rabson
-Solving a paradox against concrete-composite Christology: a modified hylomorphic proposal/ Andrew Loke
-Ockhamism vs Molinism, round 2: a reply to Warfield/ T. Ryan Byerly
-A simple argument against design/ Dan Moller
-Worship and threshold obligations/ Jeremy Gwiazda
Vol. 48 No. 1, Maret 2012
-Away out of the Euthyphro dilemma/Nick Zangwill
-God and the ontological foundation of morality/Wes Morriston
-Replying to the anti God challenge: a God without moral character acts well/Peter Forrest
-Divine attitudes, diveine commands and the modal status of moral truths/Matthew Carey Jordan
-Relative identity, singular reference, and the incarnation: a response to Le Poidevin/Christopher Hughes Conn
-Undermining the case for evidential atheism/Paul K. Moser
-‘God told me to do it’: sceptical theism and perceiving God/Joshua Seigal
-Concepts and religious experiences: wayne proudfoot on the cultural construction of experiences/Stephen S. Bush
Vol. 48 No.2, Juni 2012
-Scepticism about the argument from divine hiddenness/Justin P Mcbrayer&Philip Swenson
-Time, foreknowledge and alternative possibilities/Jefrey Green&Katherin Rogers
-Wittgenstein on the language of rituals: the scapegoat remark reconsidered/Christopher Hoyt
-Divine hiddenness as divine mercy/Travis Dumsday
-Kierkegaard’s double movement of faith and Kant’s moral faith/Roe Fremstedal
-The power to make other worship/Aaron Smuts
-Semantics holism and the insider-outsider problem/Mark Q. Gardiner&Steven Engler
-Question about ‘internal and external question about God’/Natalia Deng
Vol. 48 No. 3, September 2012
-Levina’s faithfulness to Husserl, phenomenology, and God/Thomas Finegan
-Jesus’ return as lottery puzzle: a reply to Donald Smith/P. Roger Turner
-On the possibility of special divine action in a deterministic worl/Leigh C. Vicens
-A thomistic metaphysics of creation/Gaven Kerr
-‘The ethics of belief’ and belief about ethics: William Kingdon Clifford at the Metaphysical society/Rose Ann Christian
-Bridging the gap between social and extential-mystical interpretations of schleiermacher’s ‘feeling’/Gorazd Andrejc
-Understanding omnipotence/Kenneth L. Pearce and Alexander R. Pruss
Vol. 48 No. 4, Desember 2012
-Omnipotence and other possibilities/Martin Lembke
-Divine will/divine command moral theories and the problem of arbitrariness/Thomas L. Carson
-Stumbling on the threshold: a reply to Gwiazda on threshold obligations/John Danaher
-The roar of the lion, the taste of the salt : on really religious reasons/Steven G. Smith
-A new problem of evil: authority and the duty of interference/Luke Maring
-Do possible worlds compromise God’s beauty? A reply to Mark Ian Thomas Robson
-Atheism and the gift of death/Mikel Burley
Vol. 49 No. 1, Maret 2013
-John Oman on feeling and theology/Adam Hood
-The real presence/H.E Baber
-A conceptualist argument for a spiritual substantial soul/J.P Moreland
-Eternity knowledge, and freedom/Joseph Diekemper
-On grounding God’s knowledge of the probable/Jennifer Jensen
-Does God know what it’s like not to know?/Rob Lovering
-Authentic faith and acknowledged risk: dissolving the problem of faith and reason/Daniel J. Mckaughan
Vol. 49 No. 2, Juni 2013
-Introduction/Daniel Howard-Snyder
-My stance in philosophy of religion/J.L Schellenberg
-Another look at divine hiddenness/Terrence Cuneo
-On coercion, love, and horrors/Thomas M. Crisp
-Schellenberg on propositional faith/ Daniel Howard-Snyder
-Prolegomena to any future non-doxastic religion/Andrew Chignell
-Is faith in the ultimate rationally required? Taking issue with some arguments in the will to imagine/Wes Morriston
-The conceptual focus of ultimism: an object of religious concern for the nones and somes/Jeanine Diller
-Is sceptical religion adequate as a religion?/Andrew Dole
-Religion after atheism/Terence Penelhum
-Replies to my colleagues/J.L Schellenberg
Vol. 49 No. 3, September 2013
-On the plurality of gods/Eric Steinhart
-Egoism or the problem of evil: a dilemma for sceptical theism/Benjamin T.Rancourt
-By ye divine arm: God and substance in De gravitatione/Hylarie Kochiras
-On nail scissors and toothbrushes: responding to the philosopers’ critiques of historical biblical criticism/C.L Brinks
-A phenomenological challenge to ‘enlightened secularism’/Ian James Kidd
-Some ruminations about inculpable non-belief/Imran Aijaz
-The no-minimum argument, satisficing and no-best-world:a reply to Jeff Jordan/Chris Dragos
Vol. 50 No.1, Maret 2014
-Hope, virtue and the postulate of God: a reappraisal of Kant’s pure practical rational belief/M.Jamie Ferreira
-Heartbreak at Hilbert’s hotel/Landon Hedric
-No heartbreak at Hilbert’s hotel: a reply to Landon Hedric/Andrew Loke
-Cognitive science of religion and theism: how can they be compatible?/Leo Nareaho
-The cognitive science of religion and theism again: a response to Leo Nareaho/David Leech & Aku Visala
-Are naturalism and moral realism incompatible?/Rik Peels
-Love in dark times: Iris Murdoch on openness and the void/Tony Milligan
-John Bishop’s leaps of faith : doxastic ventures and the logical equivalence of religious faith and agnosticism/James Beach
- volume 52, issue 1, march 2016
- volume 52, issue 2, june 2016
- volume 52, issue 3 september 2016
- volume 52, issue 4 Desember 2016
- volume 53, issue 1 March 2017
- vololume 53, issue 2 June 2017
- volume 53, issue 3, September 2017
- volume 53, issue 4, Desember 2017
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