Image of Contemporary Islam : dynamics of muslim life


Contemporary Islam : dynamics of muslim life

Vol. 4 No 2, 2010
-The first registered mosque in the UK, Cardiff ,1860’:the evolution of a myth/Sophie Gilliat-Ray
-“Because I’m the man!i’m the head”:British married muslims and the patriarchal family structure/Asifa Siraj
-‘Elite’young muslims in Britain:from transnational to global politics/June Edmunds
-Review essay : Abdellah Laroui’s new conception of interpreting islam/Said Mentak
-Sylvia Wing Onder, we have no microbes here: healing practices in a Turkish black sea village/Kim Shively
-Annouar Majid, a call of heresy: why dissent is vital to islam and America/Daniel Martin Varisco
-Theresa Alvaro Velcamp, so far from Allah, so close to Mexico: middle eastern immigrants in modern Mexico/Armando Vargas
-“American Christians and islam:evangelical culture and muslims from the colonial period to the age of terrorism/Heather J. Sharkey

Vol. 4 No.3, 2010
-Production of mystical islam in Europe:religious authorization in the Suleymanli sufi community/Ahmet Yukleyen
-Media representation of British muslims and hybridsed threats to identity/Rusi Jaspal,Marco Cinnirella
-Tropes of the crusades in Indonesian muslim discourse/Mark Woodward
-Intrepreting islam through the internet:making sense of hijab/Heather Marie Akou
-Understanding fundamentalism:Christian,Islamic,and jewish movements/Amaranath Amarasingam
-The qur’an:a biography/Brannon Wheeler
-David Cook, contemporary muslim apocalyptic literature/Daniel Martin Varisco
-Oliver Schlumberger (ed):debating arab authoritarianism:dynamics and durability in nondemocratic regimes/Eva Bellin
-The ‘great Satan’ vs the ‘mad mullahs’: how the United States and Iran demonize each other/John Capucci
-Colonialism,violence and muslims in Southeast Asia: the Maria Hertogh controversy and its aftermath/ Carool Kersten

Vol. 5 No. 2, 2010
-Muslims and media:perceptions,participation,and change/Cemil Aydin, Juliane Hammer
-Media making muslims:the construction or a muslims community in Germany through media debate/Riem Spielhaus
-Moros in the media and beyond:representations of Phillipine muslims/Viviane SM. Angeles
-(Re)presenting:muslims on North American television:Amir Hussain
-Imaging,imagining and representation:muslims visual artist in NYC/Munir Jiwa
-Performing gender justice:the 2005 woman-led prayer in New York/Juliane Hammer
-Gender and sexuality online on Australian muslims forums/Roxanne D. Marcotte
-Muslims,identity and multimodal communication on the internet/Kristin Zahra Sands
-Muslims and the media in the blogosphere/Daniel Martin Varisco

Vol. 5 No. 1, 2011
-Goliath and David in Gaza:Indonesia myth-building and conflict as a cultural system/Ronald A. Luckens-Bull, Mark R. Woodward
-Ulama,the states & war:community Islamic leaders in the Aceh conflict/Shane Joshua Barter
-Rap on ‘I’Avenue’:islam,aesthethic,authenticity and masculinities in the Tunisian rap scene/Dervla Sara Shannahan, Qurra Husain
-Between islam and anti-globalization:cultural,political,and religious debates in the German mulim newspaper islamiche zeitung/Petra Y.Kuppinger
-Science of the cosmos,science of the soul:the pertinence of Islamic cosmology in the modern world/Daniel Martin Varisco
-Said nursi/M. Zakyi Ibrahim
-The politics of chaos in the middle east
-Moataz A. Fttah, democratic values in the muslim world/Ahmet T. Kuru

Vol. 5 No.2, 2011
-Muslim American communities’ response to queer visibility/David Rayside
-Seeking sanctuary in ‘the age of disorder’:women in temporary Tablighi jama’at/Eva F. Amrullah
-The modernity of premodern islam in contemporary Daghestan/Rebecca Gould
-Will the middle class save the middle east?/Lawrence Rosen
-Aboullouz’s the Salafi movements in Morocco (1971-2004) between theory and practice/Said Mentak
-Kenneth M. George, picturing islam:arts ethics in a muslim lifeworld/Ronald Luckens-Bull
-David Pinault, notes from the fortune-telling parrot:religious pluralism in Pakistan/Sanaa Riaz
-Bronwyn Winter, hijab and the republic:uncovering the French headscarf debate/Melanie Adrian

Vol. 5 No. 3,2011
-Introduction to special issue of contemporary islam:Islamic piety and gender relationships among contemporary muslims/Santi Rozario, Geoffrey Samuel
-Piety among Tablighi women/Jan A.Ali
-Piety as a concept underpinning muslim womens’ online discussion of marriage and professional career/Anna Piela
-Discussing the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) rebellion:non-islamist women and religious revival in urban Bangladesh/Samia Huq
-Islamic piety against the family:from ‘traditional’ to ‘pure’ islam/Santi Rozario
-Islamic piety and masculinity/Geoffrey Samuel

Vol. 6 No. 3, 2012
-Music and islam/Jonas Otterbeck, Anders Ackfeldt
-Popularizing islam or Islamizing popular music : new developments in Egypt’s wedding scene/Karin van Nieuwkerk
-From muslim punks to taqwacore:an incomplete history of punk islam/Anthony T. Fiscella
-“Imma march’ toward ka’ba”:islam in Swedish hip-hop/ Anders Ackfeldt
-Tunes of religious resistance?understanding Hamas music in a conflict context/Carin Berg
-Sonic discourse on muslim malay modernity:the arqam sound/Bart Barendregt
-Wahhabi ideology of social control versus a new publicness in Saudi Arabia/Jonas Otterbeck

Vol. 6 No. 2, 2012
-Modesty and style in Islamic attire:refashioning muslim garments in a western context/Geraldine Mossiere
-Islamising Malayness:ulama discourse and authority in contemporary Malaysia/Norshahril Saat
-Muslim and ecology:fostering Islamic environmental ethics/Arthur Saniotis
-Traditions and texts : how to young women learned to interpret the qur’an and hadits in Kazakhstan/Wendell Schwab
-Nicolaas Biegman, living Sufism : sufi rituals in the middle east the Balkans/David W.Montgomery
-Fethi Benslama,psychoanalysis and the challenge of islam,trans. Robert Bonnono.Minneapolois:University of Minnesota Press, 2009.272 pp. ISBN 978-0816648894/Mahdi Tourage
-Erich Kolig, New Zealand’s muslims and multiculturalism. Muslim minorities, 9. Leiden and Boston : Brill, 2010, vi. 272 pp. ISBN 978 90 04 17835 9 / William Shepard
-Salman Ahmad, Rock & roll jihad : a muslim rock stars’s revolution/Thomas K. Gugler
-Rachel M. Scott, the challenge of political Islam : non-muslims and the Egyptian state/ Marion M. Ruiz
-Marnia Lazreg: questioning the veil: open letters to muslim women/ Daniel Martin Varisco
-Banu Eligur, the mobilization of political Islam in Turkey/ Ahmet T. Kuru
-Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi, Islam and dissent in postrevolutionary Iran : Adolkarim Soroush, religious politics and democrstic reform/ Kathleen Foody

Vol.6 No. 1.2012
-Sisters,militias and islam in conflict:questioning ‘reconciliation’ in Nahdlatul Wathan in Lombok Indonesia/Saipul Hamdi, Bianca J.Smith
-The political crowd:theorizing popular revolt in North Africa/Andrea Khalil
-The ‘new’ barbarians:govermentality,securitization and islam in Western Europe/June Edmunds
-John Fischer, Proper Islamic consumption: shopping among the Malays in modern Malaysia/ Timothy P. Daniels
-Liyakat Nathani Takim,Shi’ism in America/Mara. E. Leichtman
-Morgan Clarke,islam and new kinship:reproductive technology and the shariah in Lebanon/Carolyn Sargent
-Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:a cultural and political history/Jon W. Anderson
-IMuslim:rewiring the house of islam/Daniel Martin Varisco
-Eleanor Abdella Doumato and Gregory Starret,editors,Teaching islam:textbook and religion in the middle east/Nermeen Mouftah
-Abdul Salam Zaeef,edited by Alex Strick van Linschoten and Felix Kuehn,my wife with the Taliban/David B. Edwards
-Sylva Frisk,submitting to God:women and ialam in urban Malaysia/David Banks

Vol. 7 No.2, 2013
-American muslim stand up and speak out:trajectories of humor in muslim American stand-up comedy/Jaclyn Michael
-PAS in Kedah:cultural politics of pigs and development/Timothy P. Daniels
-Getting culture :a new path for Indonesia’s Islamic justice and prosperity party?/Mark Woodward,Ali Amin, Inayah Rohmaniyah,Chris Lundry
-Representation of muslim sexual subjectivities:the hidden ethical judgement of journalistic rhetoric/Elizabeth M.Bucar
-Islamic identity and its role in the lives of young Swedish muslims/Jenny Berglund
-Secularism and state policies toward religion:the United States,France and Turkey.Ahmet T.Kuru/Hasan Kosebalaban
-Review of Jonah Steinberg,Isma’ili modern:globalization and identity in a muslim community/Hussein Rashid
-Review of Gunes Murat Tezcur,muslim reformers in Iran and Turkey:the paradox of moderation/Mustafa E.Gurbuz
-Review of Anna Bigelow,sharing the sacred :practicing pluralism in muslim North India/Matthew A.Cook
-Review of Wanni W. Anderson, mapping thai muslims:community dynamics and change on the Andaman coast/Susan Russel
-Review of Clifford Geertz,life among the Anthros and other essays.edited by Fred Inglis/Daniel Martin Varisco
-Review of Yesim Arat, rethinking islam and liberal democracy/Jenny White
-Review of Pascale Fournier, muslim marriage in western courts:lost in transplantation/Jennifer A.Selby
-Review of ,ark Woodward,Java,Indonesian and islam/Nancy J.Smith-Hefner
-Review of Sakurai Keiko and Fariba Adelkhah,the moral economy of the madrasa:islam and education today/Brannon D.Ingram

Vol. 7 No. 1, 2013
-Introduction/Susanne Dahlgren, Samuli Schielke
-Hand,heart and handphone : state shari’a in the age of the the SMS/R.Michael Feener
-The clash of values across symbolic boundaries:claims of urban space in contemporary Istanbul/Pekka Tuominen
-What makes a good minority muslim.educational policy and the paradoxes of muslim schooling in Uganda/Dorothe E.Schulz
-The moral maze:Dutch Salafis and the construction of a moral community of the faithful/Martijn de Koning
-Islamic state without islamist:Jordanian students talk about the ideal state/Fadi Kabatilo
-Piety,profit and the market in Cairo:a political economy of islamisation/Salwa Ismail

Vol. 7 No. 3, 2013
-From victimhood to empowerment: muslim women’s narratives in the shari’a courts of Jerusalem and Taibe/Laila Abed Rabho
-Islam offline-living ‘the message’ behind the screens/Mona Abdel-Fadil
-New democrats:religious actors,social change and democratic consolidation in Turkey/A.Kadir Yildirim
-Thwarted agency and the strange afterlife if Islamism in militant laicism in Turkey/Christopher Houston
-Assessing needs of aging muslims:a focus on metro-Detroit faith communities/Kristine J.Ajrouch,Nour Fakhoury
-Review of Said Amir Arjomand, after Khomeini: Iran under his successors/Reza Afshari
-Review of Amit Bein,Ottoman Ulema,Turkish republic:agents of change and guardians of tradition/Gulsum Gurbuz-Kucuksari
-Review of Ali Mirsepassi,political islam and the enlightment:philosophies of hope and despair/Setrag Manoukian
-Review of Emad Mirmotahari,islam in the east African Novel/Shirin Edwin
-Review of Gavin D.Brocket, how happy to call oneself a Turk:provincial newspaper and the negotiation of a muslim national identity/Ramazan Kilinc
-Review of John Kaltner, introducing the qur’an for today’s reader/David L. Johnston
-Review of Megan Adamson Sijapati,Islamic revival in Nepal:religion and a nation/Marc Gaborieau
-Review of Ingvild Flaskerud,visualizing belief and piety in Iranian Shiism/William O.Beeman
-Review of Tareq Y. Ismail & Andrew Rippin (eds), islam in the eyes of the west:images and relaities in an age of terror/Edward Webb
-Review of Gabriele Marranci,faith,ideology and fear:muslim identities within and beyond prisons/Leon Moosavi
-Review of Olivier Roy,secularism confronts islam.translated by George Holloch/Richard C.Martin
-Love,mashAllah review of Ayesha Mattu and Nura Maznavi,eds.,love,inshAllah.The secret love lives of American Muslim women/Najwa Adra

Vol. 8 No. 1,2014
-Gender, inclusivity and UK mosque experiences/Dervla Sara Shannahan
-The revenge of the Jinns:spirits,salafi reform, and the continuity in change in contemporary Ethiopia/Terje Ostebo
-Commanding good and prohibiting evil in contemporary islam:cases from Britain,Nigeriaand southeast Asia/Zacharias P.Pieri,Mark Woodward,Mariani Yahya
-Review essay:viewing Uzbek islam from the field/Maria Louw
-Review of Allan Christelow,Algerians without borders:the making of a global Frontier Society/David Johnston
-Review of Chris Allen,Islamophobia/Sindre Bangstad
-Review of Adis Duderija,constructing a religiously ideal “believer”and “women” in islam:neo-traditional salafi and progressive muslims’ methods of interpretation/Aysha Hidayatullah
-Review of Nacim Pak Shiraz, shi’I islam in Iranian cinema:religion and spirituality in film/Negar Mottahedeh
-Review of Gabriele Marranci,understanding muslim identity : rethinking fundamentalism/Simon A.Wood
-Review of Carla Bellamy, the powerful ephemeraleveryday healing in an ambiguously Islamic place/Matthew A.Cook
-Review of Ahmet T.Kuru abnd Alfred Stepan,editors,democracy,islam and secularism in Turkey/Masaki Kakizaki
-Review of Humeira Iqtidar,secularizing islamists?Jamaat-e-islami and jama’at-ud-Da’wa in urban Pakistan/Hussein Rashid

Vol. 8 No. 2, 2014
-Prophecy after the Prophet,albeit lesser prophets?the Ahmadiyya jama’at in Pakistan/S.R. Valentine
-Approaching conflict the Ahmadiyya way/Emanuella C. Del Re
-Hating the Ahmadiyya: the place of “heretics” in contemporary Indonesian muslim society/Ahmad Najib Burhani
-The Islamic defenders front:demonization,violence and the state in Indonesia/Mark Woodward,Mariani Yahya,Inayah Rohmaniyah
-Review essay:beyond the crusades ,beyond prejudice/Daniel Martin Varisco
-Review of Jennifer Selby,questioning French secularism:gender politics and islam in a Parisian Suburb/Mikaela Rogozen-Soltar
-Review of Terje Ostebo,localizing salafism:religious change among oromo muslims in Bale, Ethiopia/Samson A. Bezabeh
-Review of Nasser Weddady and Sohrab Ahmari,editor,Arab spring dreams:the next generation speaks out for freedom and justice from North Africa to Iran/Karima W.Abidine
-Review of L.Ali Khan and Hisham M.Ramadan,contemporary ijtihad:limits and controversies/Amr Osman
-Review of David D.Harnish and Anne K.Rasmussen,editors,divine inspirations:music and islam in Indonesia/Kevin Fogg
-Review of S.Sayyid and AbdoolKarim Vakil and Maleiha Malik/Peter Gottschalk
-Review of Karin van Nieuwkerk,editor,muslim rap,halal soaps and revolutionary theater:arthistic development in the muslim world/Hussein Rashid
-Review of Tugrul Keskin,editor,the sociology of islam.secularism,economy and politics/Bryan Turner
- Volume 10, No. 1, 2016
- Volume 10, No. 2, 2016
-Volume 10, No. 3, 2016

- Volume 11, No. 1, 2017
- Volume 11, No. 2, 2017
- Volume 11, No. 3, 2017


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